What is it?
Successful partial gastrectomy
Macular gastrectomy is an operation which is currently the most frequently performed bariatric surgery all over the world, regardless of latitude.
It owes its popularity primarily to its very good effectiveness as well as relative simplicity (simplicity of the surgery is, of course, a contractual term). In Wroclaw we perform gastric cuff resection with the participation of specialists.
Gastric cuff resection involves a significant reduction in the volume of the stomach. During the partial gastrectomy procedure, a part of the stomach with a volume of several hundred to over a thousand milliliters is removed, depending on the original size of the organ.
The remaining stomach has a volume of about 100-150 ml. Thanks to that after the operation the patient will feel satiety after eating 100-150 ml of food. Not less important is the fact that in the removed part of the stomach physiological hunger hormone - ghrelin - is produced.
Cuff surgery of the stomach causes that due to the reduced production of ghrelin, the feeling of hunger is much smaller and the desire to reach for the next portion of food is much weaker than before.
Procedure path
Bariatric consultation with the surgeon
If you are considering surgical treatment of obesity, make an appointment with our surgeon. During the first appointment the physician will assess the degree of obesity, take medical history of co-morbidities and obesity complications.
You will receive information on possible treatment options and be pre-qualified for the selected surgery. You will also receive a diagnostics plan preparing you for the surgery.
We want to gather as much information as possible about your health condition so that further treatment is as safe and personalized as possible. We schedule a diagnostic appointment and a planned surgery date.
Diagnostics and preparation
We offer our patients a full diagnostic package which includes all necessary tests and specialist consultations required to perform the surgery. Typical diagnostic scheme:
The diagnostics is coordinated by an experienced specialist and your attending surgeon.
We begin treatment prior to the surgery, in the diagnostic phase. The nutritionist prepares a nutrition plan, which will help you prepare for the post-surgery changes, achieve initial weight loss and reduce liver steatosis. This specialist also provides you with nutrition education including the principles of proper nutrition to be followed before and after surgery. Simultaneously, the psychologist will equip you with the psychological means of coping with the transformation that awaits you.
Preoperative period (approx. 30 days)
You follow a nutrition plan. The attending physician, nutritionist and psychologist stay in permanent touch with you, providing you with support and advice.
Hospitalization and surgery
You will be admitted to the Surgical Ward after a period of a few weeks following the completion of diagnostics. The patients usually stay in our hospital for 4 days:
After the end of the surgical treatment we stay in permanent touch with our patients via phone or e-mail. In addition to this, we will also meet on the follow-up appointments.
Sleeve gastrectomy Wrocław - Baria3
Sleeve gastrectomy - advantages
70-80% reduction in excess body weight
A quicker feeling of fullness.
No binge-eating episodes.
Sleeve gastrectomy - for whom?
Sleeve gastrectomy - indications for surgery
The surgery yields very good outcomes and is the most frequently performed bariatric procedure in the world. That is the reason why it is currently the basic weapon in the fight against obesity.
Because of the restrictive nature of the surgery (reduction of food intake), it is especially recommended for young women who plan to become pregnant in the future. There is a smaller risk of foetal and maternal exposure to deficiencies in macronutrients and micronutrients during pregnancy than after malabsorptive procedures like, for example, gastric bypass surgery.
It is a relatively simple technical procedure. An efficient surgical team is able to perform the operation in less than an hour, which makes it a particularly good option for patients, who benefit from shorter surgery time – the elderly, patients with many co-morbidities.
Given that the surgeon operates mainly in the epigastrium (the upper part of the abdomen), this medical procedure is also recommended for very obese patients with BMI over 50, because it does not expose the delicate small intestine to intraoperative injury.
Also, patients with a large number of postoperative adhesions in the lower abdomen benefit from having the operation performed only in the upper abdomen.
In patients with inflammatory bowel disease, the preferred surgery method is the one which is limited to the stomach.
Sleeve gastrectomy - contraindications to surgery
The most important medical contraindication to sleeve gastrectomy surgery is gastrointestinal reflux diagnosed before surgery, commonly experienced by patients as heartburn. A “stomach reduction” surgery may, unfortunately, exacerbate this problem.
Temporary contraindications to any bariatric surgery include active alcoholism, drug addiction, and mental illness outside remission period.
Pregnancy is also a period when we should be more concerned about the proper development of the foetus rather than weight gain.
Our approach to obesity treatment is as follows: the patients who ignore the nutritionist’s and psychologist’s recommendations or consider them irrelevant are not ready for the surgery.
Start your journey
Patient feedback
I underwent gastric sleeve surgery
I underwent gastric sleeve surgery at the end of June 2019. Never believe that bariatric surgeries are a shortcut – they aren't. In fact, they require iron discipline from the patient and cooperation with doctors, nutritionists and psychologists. The process of losing weight is not magic with a scalpel (as usually written on internet forums), it is learning to live from scratch – eating, movement, taking care of your body and working on yourself. It is a constant training against one's own weaknesses but is also a great joy of the progress one achieves.
Today, I weigh 43kg less. I have the homestretch ahead of me and am aware that my goal is even more within reach than before.
After 9 months, I no longer suffer from any of the comorbidities that were an additional indication for the resection procedure. My blood pressure, sugar, cholesterol and insulin levels are perfect. I no longer suffer from back or knee pain, and my hormonal disorders and PCOS have disappeared.
If someone asked me today whether I would make the decision to have the operation again, I would say yes without any hesitation!
In the whole process of obesity treatment, it is the path that counts – not the destination. With the support of the Baria3 Team, my destination gives me a sense of support and security...
Sleeve gastrectomy - price and offer
Price list of sleeve gastrectomy - please refer to it. If you have any questions, our consultant will contact you within 24 hours and arrange the details and date of consultation.
We take responsibility for our patients: in case our patient needs to be readmitted to the hospital and undergo an additional surgical procedure during the recovery period, the services will be provided at no additional charge to the patient.
Package: diagnostics + sleeve gastrectomy surgery
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